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Name: Hirmah Bte Mazlan (EmA)
Date of Birth: November16 1985
Horoscope Sign: Stupid Scopio

To add me at MSN or Friendster gal_05@hotmail.com
My Normal Email hir5mah@yahoo.com.sg

Defy Gravity


Farah Nini Siraj Shafikah Taufik

February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 March 2007 April 2007 June 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 March 2008 April 2008 October 2008

Friday, October 03, 2008 - 12:39 AM
Back to top, baby.

Latest Raya Pics For your View...

To view more pegi lah kat multiply...

Tuesday, April 22, 2008 - 10:11 PM
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Watch 3 movie

1) Duyung - Apek & Maya karin
2) 3 kingdom - Andy Lau & Sammo Hung
3) Forbidden kingdom - Jackie Chan & Jet Li


What is gross is awie, in his character... I hate it when he bite
his nails... or shouls i say fingers... So un"gangter"ism... which
he is suppose to be...

Apek pulak yang super "cool" is his profession as "sea warrior"
gua tabik sama lu apek... and his singing talent extra bonus points..

Si "Mariah Carey" pulak tabik sama lu punya swimming skills....
but to me acting dia macam kaku... macam susah nak berbual...
acting tak berubah still the same as her past acting...

Overall over 5 star i give this movie **/*****
cause almost all movie yang apek starring same...
so to me macam dah bland.... season ngan acting dia and this genre

A Video for ure view

2) 3 Kingdom

Andy lau.... As per normal all his acting and all fighting

But Summo hung being a jelousy bitch... Whatever

Overall over 5 star i give this movie ***/*****
Cause well just because i want too... haha

A Video for ure view...

3) Forbidden kingdom
If you love Sun Wukong, then this movie is a must...
I like it... Well better than those other 2 movie i guess well to me...
i've always watch jackie's movie, well watch it if you want to know

Overall over 5 star i give this movie ****/*****
Almost perfect but not that perfect

Most funny scene...

Oh yah... i did watch another movie at the net
The Empress and the warrior
that movie was a love movie rather than a battle one...
was cool at the end of the story when she got to know
that the guy she love is a warrior...
well a triangle love storie watch it if you want...


toddles.... hahah

Friday, April 18, 2008 - 12:14 AM
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Spend the whole day with him... Went to T3 Airport...
Had a very wonderful and quarrel-free day..
ow i wish every day will be like this...
Too bad my leg still hurts... or else i will "jalan2" the whole day

Still Raw pics... Too lazy and mind tiring...." mind too tired lah too tink"

- 12:01 AM
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Raw pic without editing.... too lazy too edit coz got no mood at all....

Anyway this is what happen on the day i sprain my leg... or should i say before i sprain my leg...




Thursday, April 03, 2008 - 2:05 PM
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After watching 2 movie UNDERDOG and Superhero movie i am feeling so drowsy ; after effect of the medicine

here are some of the photos i shot at KL...


------SICK SICK SICK-------

Not been too well lately... sick... came back from KL well it was fun... but to me it was
not really enjoyable as i have expected but i love it.... i want to go again and this time
enjoy myself more... and bring lots of cash and do more shopping... Maybe i worry too
much that i don't really enjoy myself... i think too much...

K now i am at home... Down with a cought and flu....
the doctor told me that my tonsils are biger than it should be...
gosh wonder what it means... He old me wether i am experiencing any
late nite wake ups and i told him yup... every 2 or 3 hours i will wake up...
and he told me that it is bcoz my brian is not getting the oxygen they are needing
so each time when my brain gets no oxygen it will wake me up...
Well that is scary coz how can me not getting oxygen... the doc says there is blocking possiblely
at my tonsils so there is no oxygen going to my brain and advice me to go to
a&t to have sleep therapy... at the hospital they will let me sleep and find where is the blockage
and will try to unblock it through surgery... Scarry....

Well work regarding work...
work was fine... Certis security... Admin officer and i wonder when will my pay will be the same as the rest...
iam the lowest paid there and i am wondering there.... thanks god it is contract...
well if there are converting me to a full time i am going as them to give me at least 1600 coz i have almost 2 years experience and i have advance dip in business studies... if they say no than i will find other job that will pay me that amount of salary..
don't want to let my studies away...

Friends are cool, wati ana Valerie, whom have went to israel i guess by now and stella the joker,
ida and alisa... and yak mdm lim the lady whom wants to be like us i guess but she can't
i guess that is why she is backing away from us....

well will update the photos soon...

And farah... i am so happy for you and khalid.... missing u alot

Wednesday, March 19, 2008 - 1:33 AM
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Will upload more pics.... ANYWAY I AM GOING KL...... I AMSOEXCITED.... KL HEREI COME